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Events in the month of August 2023

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Members and prospective members of The Parks Chamber are invited to join us via Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM to learn more about the chamber, our events, and the benefits of membership. 

Advance registration is requested, and the Zoom link with dial-in details are provided below:
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Join the Illinois Small Business Development Center at Rock Valley College and Tom Sandquist, the Executive Director of the Rockford Community Investment Fund (RCIF), for this informative workshop!
About the Workshop:
The RCIF provides financing to small businesses who rehabilitate homes in the City of Rockford, and especially in its low-and moderate-income neighborhoods. The RCIF’s Executive Director, Tom Sandquist, will provide more information about the RCIF, including an overview of its loan program.
Join us to learn about:
  • The background and history of the RCIF
  • The minimum requirements for a project to qualify for financing
  • The minimum requirements for a borrower to qualify for financing
  • Loan terms, including the maximum loan amounts, length of the loan term, and interest rate
  • Success stories
About the Speaker: 
Tom Sandquist is a graduate of Rockford University and the University of Illinois College of Law, and practiced at the Rockford law firm, WilliamsMcCarthy LLP, for 33 years.  In January of 2022, he was hired as the Executive Director of the RCIF, the area’s first Community Development Financial Institution. RCIF was recently certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury and has financed the rehabilitation of more than 30 dilapidated homes in the low-and moderate-income neighborhoods of the City of Rockford.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Join the Illinois Small Business Development Center at Rock Valley College and Tyler Smith from Culture Craft Consulting for this informative workshop!

About the Workshop:
We all have dreams and goals for our businesses, what we would call a vision for the business. Unfortunately, just because we can see it doesn’t mean we know how to communicate it clearly with the people around us. This workshop will teach you how to take what you want to see in the future and communicate it clearly and succinctly with your team, so they can help you achieve it.

About the Speaker:
Tyler Smith has spent the past decade honing his skills in leadership development, conflict resolution, and team dynamics. After getting his degree in business management from Taylor University, he moved back to his hometown of Rockford, Illinois where he has worked in marketing, restaurant management, and church ministry. All along, his goal was to sharpen his skills and gain the experience necessary to help others thrive in their work, whether they lead a business or serve as a volunteer.

In 2021, Tyler formed his own consulting firm, Culture Craft Consulting, where he helps small businesses and nonprofits build and maintain healthy, highly effective teams and organizations. Tyler is a certified Enneagram and DISC coach and uses these among other personality profile tools to build empathy among teams and enable effective conflict resolution practices, leadership development, and employee review processes. He holds firmly his belief that healthy teams are the most effective and valuable resource an organization can have, but healthy teams do not happen by accident: they are carefully and lovingly crafted.

Tyler's areas of skill include:
  • Strategic action plan facilitation
  • Board development
  • Pre-planning (mission, core values, and target market)
  • Marketing
  • Leadership development
  • Communication for executives
  • Strategic communication
  • Presentation skills
  • Product development
  • Program development
  • Collaboration
  • Team building
  • Organizational culture
Thursday, August 24, 2023
The Parks Chamber 5th Annual Golf Outing
Thursday, August 24
Forest Hills Country Club (5135 Forest Hills Rd.)
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Business and community leaders will enjoy breakfast, 18 holes of golf, cocktails, and a late lunch at Forest Hills Country Club. The outing will feature a Scramble golf competition with trophies and prizes for the First-Place Foursome, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, and Longest Putt. Golfers can win a car with a Hole in One, and golf hole sponsors will provide additional contests, food tastings, and beverages throughout the course. Raffle prizes worth thousands of dollars will be awarded at the lunch immediately following the outing.



Golf Foursome ($540 Members / $640 Non-Members)
Individual Golfer ($135 Members / $160 Non-Members)
Activity Golf Hole Sponsors ($300 Members / $400 Non-Members)
Golf Hole Sponsor Sign ($100 Members / $200 Non-Members)
Lunch Only Ticket ($40 Members / $50 Non-Members)
Raffle Prize Donors (FREE)

8:30 AM 
Registration, Breakfast & Celebrity Appearance
​10:00 AM
Shotgun Start Scramble Competition​
4:00 PM
Lunch, Trophies, Prizes & The Big Raffle

Questions? Call 815.633.3999