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- Meeting ID: 836 9830 9372
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The FastPitch Competition is an annual event which draws participants from throughout the region. Starting in 2006, this competition has attracted entrepreneurs in all phases of business from pre-startup, an idea on a napkin, active companies, or plan to expand with a new product or service. The idea is to answer six key questions in three minutes or less—your elevator speech—to a select group of judges who are entrepreneurs themselves or that work with entrepreneurs on a regular basis.
Who: Passionate entrepreneurs in all phases of business, including startup or pre-startup; idea stage.
When: Thursday June 22nd, 2023, 2023 5:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Rockford University – Scarborough Hall – 5050 East State St, Rockford, IL 61108
Why: To win cash prizes, feedback & exposure!
In business, “three strikes” is generous. If you can’t pitch your product, service or concept in three minutes – you’re outta there!
FastPitch Competition is your chance to prove the potential of your business idea, meet people who can help you succeed, maybe even win a cash prize! Competitors will have three minutes max to hit it out of the park before the panel of judges from the business and investment community.
Verbal presentations only – no PowerPoint.
Open with a hook that grabs attention. Deliver your pitch with energy and passion. Be creative, and hit it out of the park!
This is no field of dreams: Top prize will be awarded $5,000; 2nd place will be awarded $2,500, 3rd place will be awarded $1,000. All competitors will receive invaluable feedback, a fun experience and valuable exposure to investors, business leaders, potential mentors and media.