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June 2023
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Events in the month of June 2023

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Members and prospective members of The Parks Chamber are invited to join us via Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM to learn more about the chamber, our events, and the benefits of membership. 

Advance registration is requested, and the Zoom link with dial-in details are provided below:
Thursday, June 22, 2023

The FastPitch Competition is an annual event which draws participants from throughout the region. Starting in 2006, this competition has attracted entrepreneurs in all phases of business from pre-startup, an idea on a napkin, active companies, or plan to expand with a new product or service. The idea is to answer six key questions in three minutes or less—your elevator speech—to a select group of judges who are entrepreneurs themselves or that work with entrepreneurs on a regular basis. 

Who:       Passionate entrepreneurs in all phases of business, including startup or pre-startup; idea stage. 
When:     Thursday June 22nd, 2023, 2023 5:00pm-9:00pm
Where:    Rockford University – Scarborough Hall – 5050 East State St, Rockford, IL 61108
Why:       To win cash prizes, feedback & exposure!

In business, “three strikes” is generous. If you can’t pitch your product, service or concept in three minutes – you’re outta there!

FastPitch Competition is your chance to prove the potential of your business idea, meet people who can help you succeed, maybe even win a cash prize! Competitors will have three minutes max to hit it out of the park before the panel of judges from the business and investment community.
Verbal presentations only – no PowerPoint.

Open with a hook that grabs attention. Deliver your pitch with energy and passion. Be creative, and hit it out of the park!

This is no field of dreams: Top prize will be awarded $5,000; 2nd place will be awarded $2,500, 3rd place will be awarded $1,000.  All competitors will receive invaluable feedback, a fun experience and valuable exposure to investors, business leaders, potential mentors and media.