Calendar of Events

Event Type:

March 2023
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Events in the month of March 2023

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Members and prospective members of The Parks Chamber are invited to join us via Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM to learn more about the chamber, our events, and the benefits of membership. 

Advance registration is requested, and the Zoom link with dial-in details are provided below:
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

DCEO ROADSHOW: Support for Latino/a/x-Owned Businesses

 Hear from local and Illinois resource providers dedicated to Latino/a/x small businesses and entrepreneurs.


Boone County, Illinois is the first stop in the DCEO Roadshow, bringing business resources to existing and aspiring Latino/a/x small business owners and entrepreneurs. You'll get to hear from and interact with leading experts who are committed to seeing your business start, grow and expand.

This event is focused on Latino/a/x-owned businesses. However, it is open to all small businesses.

Presentations will be delivered in English, with questions and answers in English & Spanish.

Lunch will be provided.


Existing and Aspiring Latino/a/x Entrepreneurs & Businesses Looking for Financial & Marketing Resources